Saturday, October 13, 2007

Preparing parts

From the first day I purchased this car, I have tried to follow the wise word of those who have done it before. "Everyone can restore a chassie, but God knows how many who left their half-finnished projects there". I have therefore consentrated on the timeconsuming rustwelding insted. But seeing the light in the tunnel, it's time to look a little ahead. The floor pan was sandblasted and painted when I got the car, so all it needs is a good cleaning after 20 years storage. But everything else is not ready and stored in a LOT of different small boxes. To make things ready for assembling the car, I have started some small preparations. First thing out is the pedal assembly, sandblasted, painted and adjusted. The nice throttle pedal got a good cleaning and new grease... Ready to floor it =)

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