Monday, May 19, 2008

One more back on the road

Another norwegian zwitter is now officially saved from the happy hunting grounds. Being one step away from ending as a demolition derby participant (bilcross) in the early eighties, and then saved by the bell and tucked away in an old barn, the car is now finally road legal again. On the 16th of may the car was tested on the open road with the new plates freshly mounted. I still have trouble getting rid of the grin on my face, several days after the incident... All nightmares about welding and old rust are long gone. Still lots of adjustment needed, but driving down to the gas station and filling the car up for the first time, sure qualifies for a VISA commercial... "For everything else you have VISA" Sorry about the pictures, but only BW until the car is ready at the end of the month. The trained eye will spot some details falling into place.
PS! The neon sign in the background show the current gas price in Norway, all time high... I couldn't care less at the moment =)

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